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Livee modular and mobile homes are a quick and economical solution for permanent housing that meets the highest demands for comfort as well as healthy living.

Liveeconomically – As much “bang” for the least money. Livee modules incorporate the highest quality materials, yet are affordable as well. For larger modules, the price may even be reduced thanks to subsidies in the new “green savings” program by $ 335-485 thousand. CZK. Additionally, your wallets burden and lower operating costs are thanks to the fact they are almost zero consumption houses.

Liveeco-friendly – all materials used in Live are carefully selected with regard to their Carbon footprint, recyclability, healthiness and wholesomeness. After an eventual move of your house to another location, you can simply remove the foundations.

Liveenergyefficiently – all structures used in Livee satisfy requirements for a passive standard and almost zero consumption standard. Such houses consume only a fraction of what a normal house. Thanks to its precise insulation, for most of the year you heat it yourself. In addition its own heat recovery unit provides a permanent source of fresh air without unnecessary heat losses or drafts.

Liveeasy – Livee houses are custom built with the utmost precision in the assembly area so once on its land it is already finished. To be lived in as early as 10 weeks after ordering. So easy…

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